Why I am doing this…

So why would I take this on? I wrote a small journal for you all to understand my heart and why:

It’s been the one thing that's consistently felt off and stressful on our homeschool journey… the connection piece my kids were missing on a regular basis. If you’re anything like me, you’ve spent more hours than you’d ever want to admit trying to find homeschool friends for them: trying to arrange play dates and parks days where we would see kids one time and never again. It’s exhausting and I knew they needed more. We as a family prefer to keep faith separate from learning…that was another hurdle in trying to find a program we could attend. I also didn’t want to commit to a full day of classes, but I really wanted them to understand they needed to feel safe and comfortable taking directions and learning from other adults… of my searching came to dead end after dead end or programs that just weren’t a good fit.. Long story short (or long), I couldn't find it so I created it and the rest is now history!

      This was supposed to be just a few families hiring one or two teachers... but I soon realized I TRULY wasn’t alone! Here we are… I'm organizing this for US! For our kids to have what we know they need and are missing. I want the kids to learn but I also want them to socialize, to learn from other adults and feel part of something. The time I’ve commited to planning this, interviewing teachers, answering messages, finding a location to call home, creating facebook posts... I could go on and on... it has become a passion to create something so special for all of our kiddos. Thank you for helping me keep this little pod school dream alive ❤️ it means the world and I hope it fulfills whatever is missing from your homeschool journey, like it did for me and many of the returning families. 

I think that's all you guys... I am so incredibly excited SO many of you are taking this opportunity to give your kids a space to create community and learn without stress, anxiety or worry. I never in my wildest dreams imagined we’d grow as we have, so quickly. To top it off, seeing friendships and connections made have absolutely fulfilled the missing piece of our homeschool journey and I hope the same happens for you and your kiddos!

Thank you for taking the time to read this ‘journal’! 

  • Sarah Maniz, Founder of Meridian Pod School